The vehicle moved along on its retractable wheels, until it reached the base of the hill.
Some aircraft types have a fixed undercarriage while others have retractable wheels.
Originally skids were used for landing, but the majority now land on wheels, often retractable.
The Ob.911 had a tracked suspension but additionally 4 retractable wheels under the hull.
It had a cruciform tail, trailing edge airbrakes and a retractable main wheel.
Lake's design also called for two retractable wheels that, in theory, could allow travel over the seabed.
Lake's design also called for two retractable wheels that allowed travel over the seabed.
Open Class version with 17.50 m span and retractable wheel.
It was supported by three retractable wheels, two at the blunt or forward end, and one at the stern.
The organ can be moved easily to different locations in the building with the aid of hidden retractable wheels.