Even robust Fortune 500 companies are groaning under the weight of spiraling retirement costs.
Because the county never knows how many officers will retire in a given year, budgeting for retirement costs is difficult.
The companies' estimates of these retirement costs vary widely.
The Government already spends more than $500 billion a year in retirement costs and health-care payments for retired people covered by Medicare.
Almost every financial expert says you should count on annual retirement costs being some fixed percentage of your current income.
In other respects, saving for the nation's retirement costs is analogous to an individual's retirement preparations.
Most of the 6 percent increase in this year's city budget, he said, was driven by retirement costs, which he does not control.
But these costs are justified by reduced training and retirement costs.
I hear that but I read somewhere that the salaries, benfits and retirement cost 181 billion last year.
Yet the state will still have to cover their retirement costs.