When he retired as head coach, his overall high school record was 177 wins and 77 losses.
Schembechler retired as head football coach after the 1989 season.
Bookout served the school for eight years before retiring as head coach.
He retired as head coach of the Oklahoma Sooners following the 2010-2011 season.
She formally retired as head coach on March 23, 2011.
He was an assistant athletic director at Michigan through 2010 after he retired as head football coach.
Homeratha retired as head coach after the completion of the 2010 season.
Frank Keaney retired as head baseball coach following the 1948 season.
Lumsden finished with an 11-7 record against City when he retired as head coach in 1966.
Gibbs retired as head coach and president effective January 8, 2008 after completing four years of his five-year contract.