A shower of debris including tiny amounts of blood from torn retinal vessels causes floaters.
Non-background dark sources (e.g., pigment, retinal vessels) are ignored.
In some eyes, retinal vessels form small nodules on the surface of the retina, known as angiomas.
It describes a significant level of vascular dilation and tortuosity observed at the posterior retinal vessels.
The retina, however, usually remains uninvolved, although perivascular cuffing of the retinal vessels with inflammatory cells may occur.
His experimental work on circulation problems in the choroidal and retinal vessels were rewarded by the reception of the Albrecht von Graefe Prize.
This test is useful in determining if there is proper circulation in the retinal vessels.
The retinal vessels are abnormal or absent, in some cases having small vessels exiting the periphery of the disc.
If a retinal vessel is torn, the leakage of blood into the vitreous cavity is often perceived as a "shower" of floaters.
Fluorescein angiography showed that the main retinal vessels branched close to the optic nerve and were irregularly arranged compared to wild type mice.