He retained this post for the rest of his life, including terms in prison.
In 1826 and 1827 it seems to have retained some trade union functions, including support for litigation on behalf of its members.
The companies said Toysmart would retain control over the site, including decisions about which toys to sell.
Norway retained its independent armed forces, including the navy, during the union with Sweden.
He retained the privileges of a train conductor, including free travel on the railroads.
He retained elements of 1950s Labor policies in his platform, including opposition to neoliberalism.
However, the federal government retained control of certain areas, including Aboriginal land, industrial relations, national parks and uranium mining.
Israel should retain the right and ability to defend itself, including special security provisions in the Jordan Valley.
The main presentation structure was retained, including the right-hand information box displaying transfers and league table.
Some of the undeveloped land was retained, including the original Matthews homestead site, next to the sanctuary, for future development.