Ben Ali mostly retained his predecessor's pro-western foreign policy, though he improved ties with the Arab-Muslim world.
For the moment, the equestrian center has begun allowing nonmembers to use its indoor and outdoor rings, while retaining its members-only policy two days a week.
With regards to Guantanamo Bay, President Obama forbade torture but in general retained Bush's policy regarding the Guantanamo detainees.
The Arbeiterverband did however retain its policy of not allowing Africans to become members, arguing that the native workforce was not unionized at all.
Metro-North examined several options, but retained its policy.
It also recommended that Israel should retain its current policy of deliberate ambiguity regarding its nuclear status.
It has retained its non-discriminatory policy of publishing intellectuals from a variety of professions outside of academia.
When the Second Great War erupted, the United States Army retained its policy of how to treat of civilians in occupied territory the First Great War.
The Chinese leadership has stressed in the last several weeks that it intends to retain its open-door economic policy.
These events worked to strengthen New Zealand's resolve to retain its anti-nuclear policy.