The loss of the ability to retain and learn new material is not only humiliating and depressing but also disabling.
The libraries have the option of retaining such material if they so desire.
Through digitization and reformatting, preservation librarians are able to retain material while at the same time adapting to new methods.
Even though it retained little new material, the compilation was met by commercial success and managed to debut at number two on the Oricon charts.
"I have to literally clone and reproduce it," Mr. McGlynn said, but he always tries to retain as much original material as he can.
It guaranteed that the Maori would retain their lands and other material and cultural treasures and enjoy equal rights of citizenship.
Neil Armstrong said that "while there may be justifiable reasons for retaining genetic material," a newspaper would not be "the proper organization for such storage."
For material - all action taken to retain material in a serviceable condition or to restore it to serviceability.
Brain research suggests that physical activity prior to class (in PE for example) and during class, increases students' ability to process and retain new material.
While it retained raw nuclear material under a 1994 accord with the Clinton administration, that material was under close surveillance until the inspectors were thrown out on Dec. 31, 2002.