If the American Congress could retain laws after the Supreme Court struck them down, freedoms would come and go with the political winds.
Villages may have other reasons for retaining old laws.
Some States and Territories of Australia retained discriminatory laws relating to voting rights for Aborigines into the 1960s, at which point full legal equality was established.
The Emperor in return, promises to retain and uphold former laws and privileges as well as the dominant Lutheran religion.
Some countries retain laws forbidding defamation of religious belief.
Subsidies and Dumping Both parties have agreed to retain existing national laws and procedures dealing with subsidies and dumping.
Macau retains its own currency, laws, and border controls.
Lower Canada retained French civil laws, but both provinces were governed by the British criminal code.
Under the terms of the capitulation agreement, the Islamic inhabitants of Granada were allowed to retain their religion, laws, and customs.
A derogation will also allow Member States to retain national laws relating to their reception capacity when examining applications for family reunification.