He retained a close association with Derbyshire, especially the Bakewell area, throughout his life.
The Club retains to this day a highly-prized association with royalty, hence the designation "Royal".
To them, Dresden retains a firm association with High Culture, the kind with capital letters.
The Company no longer retains an association with the hairdressing profession.
The north-eastern fringes of Melbourne, particularly further out at Eltham, retain a close association with the visual arts.
He also personally responded to every letter he received from the boys there, and retained a lifelong association.
By the mid-14th century, the baselard is a popular sidearm carried by the more violence-prone section of civilian society, and it retains an association with hooliganism.
The Hall has retained a close association with poets and poetry that continues to this day.
The genre retains an association with punk, especially art punk, but is more complex and experimental.
Due to the arrival of a large number of former Liverpool residents, the town retains a strong cultural association with Liverpool.