Recruit, train, equip and retain a qualified force to augment major commands with people and units to support strategic aircraft during peace and war.
However, in addition to the regional comitatus, Constantius retained a force that accompanied him everywhere, which was from then called a comitatus praesentalis (imperial escort army).
Under his plan, the Pentagon would retain a quick-reaction force in the region, as well as marines within a few sailing days.
The United States and other Council members now say they want to retain a peacekeeping force in the region, even if the United Nations no longer sponsors it.
For this reason, Macedon retains a considerable military force and is one of the more powerful Hellenistic factions.
Under Klaus's artistic stewardship, Queensland Ballet has continued to expand, retaining and remaining a significant force in the Australian cultural landscape.
The primary reason for retaining such a large force was that demobilizing the army would put 1,500 officers, many of whom were well-connected in Parliament, out of work.
Shortly afterwards, the Americans fell back, convinced that they had been defeated, when in fact they still retained a superior force.
An aide to Mr. Cheney said that the Secretary currently favors retaining a force of 12 carriers but that the matter is under review.
If they were eliminated, the Warsaw Pact would still retain a numerically superior conventional force.