But virtually any major retailer that sells pet food relies on Menu.
Most retailers rely on repeat business.
Most retailers and businesses rely on repeat business.
Companies can pay Google to promote their sites, but many retailers rely on their sites turning up in Google's free search results.
Dealers and other retailers rely firmly on those credit scores, which are calculated by organizations that specialize in keeping track of credit applicants.
But retailers were not relying only on favorable weather and high consumer confidence to draw shoppers.
These retailers rely on old, traditional ways of doing business: word of mouth, a friend's recommendation, the YellowPages, classified ads.
Previously, the retailer relied on its slick, engrossing mail-order catalogues to promote its business.
Many retailers today rely simply on jacket design and advertising budgets and never bother to read a text at all.
To combat employee theft, retailers rely in part on technology - sophisticated new systems that link cameras and computers at the cash register.