These retailers opened at the end of 2008.
Although many retailers and restaurants opened on the mall's periphery in the 2000s, the enclosed mall itself continued to lose tenants.
Perhaps reacting to dire predictions for this year's season, many retailers opened early with gate-crasher specials.
Adjusting to the change, retailers are endlessly offering bargain prices, opening more discount stores and pushing what they call real value.
In the two previous years, the Minneapolis-based retailer opened 165 stores totaling 14 million square feet of retail space.
Since Disney's pioneering step, several national retailers have opened on 125th Street, and more are coming.
The retailer opened the opaque bottle and poured some of its contents into a glass.
Other retailers, such as Lord & Taylor are also opening on Thanksgiving for the first time.
In their place, more moderately priced retailers with broader appeal will open, creating the feeling of a long, outdoor mall.
Once those barriers were broken, many other retailers opened on Sunday.