Major retailers have failed to make an impact in Louth.
If a retailer fails to deliver the volume, the bonus is not paid or may have to be renegotiated.
On Monday, the retailer failed to make a $5.5 million interest payment to creditors.
It makes retailers liable for fraudulent transactions if they have failed to sign up to the scheme.
According to those guidelines, the retailer fails if more than 2 percent of the items tested ring up incorrectly.
Perhaps worse, several retailers, including, failed in their promises to deliver gifts by Christmas.
Many retailers, department stores along with others, failed to keep up with technology.
They do however assume the risk should the retailer fail to pay.
RedEnvelope is considered successful simply because it has survived when most online retailers have failed.
Only 6,000 copies were first produced for the game's American launch in May 1998, and many retailers failed to meet pre-order demand.