They know that retailers mark up the prices to those of domestic goods and have enjoyed inflated profits.
Online retailers enjoyed the sharpest rise in sales, almost doubling their sales.
These retailers are enjoying a lot more sales due to the existence of these stores than rhey did before 2002.
All of that may or may not mean that retailers finally enjoy a good year in 2001.
And yet, traditional retailers like CVS have enjoyed at least one important benefit of online prescriptions: steady foot traffic to their stores.
It's been at least four years since retailers enjoyed such a traditional Christmas.
In the meantime though, European retailers are enjoying the ride.
The largest retailers enjoyed strong December sales, with an average gain of 10 percent from the previous holiday season.
Many economists say that in fact food companies and retailers, particularly those that operate on low margins, enjoy heftier profits when wholesale prices drop.
American retailers in July enjoyed one of the strongest months of sales in two years, according to figures released yesterday by the industry.