The major American automakers and retailers like Home Depot and Wal-Mart all are demanding so-called global pricing from their suppliers.
Wholesalers say they are losing money because publishers are paying too little for distribution of their magazines and that the retailers are also demanding increasingly tougher terms.
Moreover, retailers demand expensive support, such as subsidizing the cost of unsold models, he said.
The American garment industry has been moving offshore, she noted, and cost-conscious American retailers have increasingly demanded that overseas makers put the clothes on the the hangers themselves.
In addition, retailers are demanding more natural products for their store shelves.
The corporations and retailers building new homes now demand accelerated schedules.
So retailers demand pennies from their banks, the banks demand them from the Federal Reserve, and the Fed orders them from the mint.
Some retailers - specifically J. C. Penney - demanded not only lower prices but also high quality for Def Jam University.
Major retailers, the SEC, and the EPA are demanding that organizations report their greenhouse gas emissions.