When the professionals are done, there's always plenty left for the retail shopper, who can get more than grocery shopping done.
Nor will she allow a few extra million bucks to lure her across the great divide separating discount divas from ordinary retail shoppers.
Some smaller tenants rented former store space for offices, but the mall now offered very little in the way of choices for retail shoppers.
Compaq's prior focus on business markets has actually helped it with retail shoppers, said Ken Beaver, national merchandise manager for the Circuit City chain of electronics stores.
As the biggest settlement in the East Riding of Yorkshire and the local transport hub, Hull is a natural focus for retail shoppers.
Besides, some economic forecasters warn that at this stage, the spending decisions of businesses may have more impact on the economy than the spending decisions of retail shoppers.
For ordinary retail shoppers, finding them is more difficult.
Though corporations continued to show frugality in their spending, analysts said, retail shoppers had begun to open their wallets again during the holiday season and buy computers.
Though some consumers may shudder at the thought of yet another Vermont salsa or flavored pasta, in the long run, the show means more variety for retail shoppers.
But for other companies, the reluctance of retail shoppers can matter a lot.