They operate dams, bulk water supply infrastructure, some retail infrastructure and some wastewater systems.
"Greenpoint has a core community, residential tradition, architecture, a cultural base and a retail infrastructure that would support new residents who would move into the industrial fringe," he said.
It can't address special-rate deals or even consolidate retail and processing infrastructure without bumping against policies put in place by Congress.
Zipaquirá offers the visitor typical restaurants, colonial houses that are almost 300 years old, tourist agencies, recreation centres such as Panaca Sabana, museums, crafts, and an interesting retail infrastructure.
Currently, this vast realm is populated by Soviet-era schemes, but many people avoid living there due to the poor quality not only of the housing stock, but the retail and social infrastructure also.
Right now, no established wholesale or retail infrastructure exists to channel these new products to the customers.
There was a small retail infrastructure serving the surrounding area of cattle and agricultural lands.
As the largest town in the north of Wales, it is a major centre of the region's commercial, retail and educational infrastructure.
A state-regulated system of production and consumption lead to gradual decrease of quality of life and growing "shadowisation" of retail infrastructure as well as of corruption.
In addition to its historic sites and tourist-oriented facilities, the hill is the site of a great deal of residential property, as well as supporting municipal and retail infrastructure.