It was thus reassuring to the Federal Reserve and others who had worried about resurgent inflation.
Yet there were reminders on two fronts yesterday that resurgent inflation could counterbalance such positive data.
This is not the first time this year that economists have worried about resurgent inflation.
Later, when asked about the job figures, Mr. Clinton said that these did not imply resurgent inflation and suggested another interest rate increase was unnecessary.
They have emphasized concerns about slowing economic growth and said they see no signs of resurgent inflation.
The fall in the dollar has added to the financial markets' fears of resurgent inflation, and bond prices plunged yesterday.
The Montenegrin government adopted the German mark in response to resurgent inflation, and insisted on taking more control over its economic fate.
The risk of resurgent inflation is apparent from examining the supply-side components of economic growth.
In Sweden, there are clear signs of resurgent inflation as the country struggles with a large budget deficit and political instability.
In many ways, the case for concern about resurgent inflation is clear cut.