There is generally a surge in home brewing activity following the arrival of the resupply ship.
This was the first resupply ship from Manila in more than a year.
You have blocked off our resupply ship.
The 40 survivors were sent back to Manila when the resupply ships returned.
Coyote hoped the admiral would see fit to rendezvous with the resupply ships damned soon.
He was found some days afterwards by the resupply ship, and dubbed "Peter the Great".
If the enemy had been smart, he would have fired only at the resupply ships, for the command and control birds seemed to be valuable allies.
There were periods of over three weeks without any resupply ship.
The resupply ship transported scientific equipment and supplies to the station.
"The eighth fleet and the twenty-five resupply ships will be sufficient to defend Yan," he said, "at least initially."