As a result of restrictions by Russia, however, the company has been able to export only 50,000 to 60,000 barrels a day.
Japan's French market share, as a result of restrictions, is 4 percent, compared with 12.4 percent throughout Europe.
As a result of increased restrictions on gillnet use, the populations of the targeted fish and shrimp species will receive protection from overfishing.
The result of the evictions and restrictions to land use, as Dowie put it, "is a gradual community and cultural meltdown."
As a result of the increased demand and tightening restrictions on exports of the metals from China, some countries are stockpiling rare earth resources.
As a result of ecological restrictions it is unlikely to be reopened again.
The decline is the result of price competition with natural gas and environmental restrictions on emissions.
As a result of restrictions, some communities use private buildings and apartments for religious services or build without permits.
These countries may also lose out as a result of restrictions placed on cohesion policy.
Despite these advances, however, education in Albania suffered as a result of restrictions on freedom of thought.