However, Rotherham were to start the following season with a penalty of minus 10 points as a result of their financial troubles.
As a result of the prison's past troubles and reputation for violence, the state decided to make this change to improve the prisons status in the state.
In later life, Bellwood suffered from alcoholism as a result of her financial troubles and bankruptcy.
Ms. Sobel, who oversaw advertising sales, helped guide the company through the difficulties it encountered as a result of Ms. Stewart's legal troubles.
They say the recycling cutbacks are purely the result of the city's current fiscal troubles.
I wonder if his jumpiness is a result of the university's troubles or sexual intrigues, which can wreak havoc among the middle-aged.
Mr. Burns said the department was suffering from "paralysis" and a "deep malaise" as a result of the Attorney General's legal troubles.
As a result of their financial troubles, Synovus laid off 850 employees and closed many bank branches in early 2011.
But that gain will "mask some companies' sharply falling earnings," especially in technology stocks, a result of Asia's troubles, he said.
He said the party fractures in Minnesota were partly the result of Mr. Dole's troubles.