Rodolfo had met them only recently as a result of his growing friendship with Kennedy.
The portrait was produced as a result of Raphael's friendship with Castiglione, whose ascent in courtly circles paralleled that of the artist.
As a result of their friendship, Bowler became the godfather of Judy Collins, who later described his singing voice as "magnificent."
As a result of their close friendship, Burnett played a recurring role on Nabors's show as a tough corporal, later gunnery sergeant.
But Ms. Adler said that her removal was the result of their soured friendship.
As a result of my friendship with Harold Wilson I developed considerable affection for him, which I still maintain.
As a result of his friendship with Fr.
Their homes was burned and stock taken, except, according to some accounts, for Dr. Smith's cabin, apparently a result of his friendship with the locals.
The move was largely the result of his long friendship with William J. Casey, then the Director of Central Intelligence.
In the 1890s she became interested in Irish history and the nationalist movement as a result of her friendship with John Francis Taylor.