He knew the image was merely a result of his growing desire for her, yet the picture was evocative, intense.
Yet it seems a forgivable flaw when considered as a result of the author's desire to move her story along.
Its construction was a result of the government's desire to stimulate growth during the Great Depression.
"The streak is a result of his desire and dedication to play every day."
I always wondered whether it was a result of Mom's instructions or my brother's desire.
Many fans believe that this was a result of the production team's desire to keep Frank in the game.
This evolution was, itself, the result of God's desire for complete self-awareness.
By comparison, only six have died as a result of my desire to create a new world.
Some of that fascination with memory and time, he said, is a result of his lifelong desire for a mentor.
Sean Neil announced that the disbanding was a result of his desire to start a family.