As a result of his association with the 1972 campaign, he became associated with the growing Watergate scandal.
As a result of the school's association with the monks, religion is central to the life of the school.
There was a keen look in Sherbrock's right eye, the result, perhaps, of its recent association with the magnifying lens.
As a result of his association with Continental, Clouzot was barred by the French government from filmmaking until 1947.
Maati's Standard was quite good by now, he noticed, no doubt the result of her prolonged association with the other younglings.
As a result of his association with a leading presidential candidate, West can expect to see his fame and his already formidable lecture fees rise.
The family finances suffered further as a result of the 3rd Baronet's association with the extravagant Prince Regent.
This movement ended abruptly with the fall of Arthur Anderson as a result of its association with Enron.
As a result of his association with the campaign, which ran between 1971 and 1990, he received the MBE in 2000.
The berimbau, a musical bow from Brazil, is quickly gaining players worldwide as a result of its association with the game of capoeira.