Burlington's first private school, the Burlington Academy, was founded in 1844 as a result of dissatisfaction with the other schools operating at the time.
The class was designed in 1939, as a result of dissatisfaction with the earlier destroyer leader types.
That theory discarded, he interpreted the glum look on the prince's face as the result of dissatisfaction with his own talents.
The people's morale is now at an all-time low, a result of dissatisfaction with the present and a lack of confidence in the future.
The demonstration was not believed to be a result of dissatisfaction with the verdict, but a display of force against the police and the Government.
As a result of such dissatisfaction, several Liberal Party veterans have decided not run in the election.
In October 1970, prisoners rebelled as a result of dissatisfaction with their living conditions.
The law was a result of widespread dissatisfaction with the quality of nursing home care.
He was duly elected, mainly as a result of dissatisfaction with FitzWilliam and his agents.
Radicalism, too, is the result of dissatisfaction among the masses of young people.