This sort of compensation is a result of a private agreement, he noted, not a legal requirement.
That's the result of an overdue but welcome agreement signed by 25 nations on Tuesday.
As a result of a political inter-party agreement, he was a candidate in 2005 national elections on 1.
The sale was not announced until January 2007 as a result of a non-disclosure agreement with the previous owner.
This was as a result of an exclusive agreement between the two organisations.
The quotas came to an end on Dec. 31 as a result of an international agreement reached in 1993.
What's to say that this piece isn't the result of a backslapping agreement between one party and another?
The plan for withdrawal is a result of an agreement between the government and five wanted members of one the area's largest tribes, officials said.
To conclude, owing to its general nature, paragraph 40 seems to be the result of a confused political agreement.
No, world peace is the result of an agreement between democratic governments who create and protect it.