The results were then weighted to adjust for any differences in response rate by region.
The results have been weighted to take account of the different interviewing rates for regular delegates and superdelegates.
Interviews were conducted across the country and the results have been weighted to the profile of all adults.
But results were then weighted to reflect the actual adult population of the nation, by religion.
In the national poll the results were also weighted by education.
A preliminary report was issued in April 2006, and results were weighted to an estimate for 100% of the population.
But results from all regions were then weighted to reflect the actual adult population of the nation.
The results were then weighted to reflect the racial composition of the adult population.
The results of the interviews with 1,025 women and 472 men were then weighted to their correct proportions in the population.
The partial results were weighted by 1/2 because there were two levels of credit for the question.