Since then patronage has increased by between 120-150 new members each month, resulting in approx 11,000 members in late 2008.
In 1942, petrol restrictions imposed upon the members resulted in 30 members quitting the club.
It was hoped that the revised approach and reduced field of candidates would result in up to 5 new members of the Hall annually.
The competitions will vary from physical to mental, and will result in two members of the losing team being sent to limbo.
This mission proved to be quite fruitful, resulting in over eight hundred members by the early 1940s.
Further standoffs occurred in the following days, reportedly resulting in the deaths of three police officers and ten members of the armed group.
The political analysis that developed within the group resulted in many members leaving to work in more activist political occupations.
That Election Act came into force in 1978, and the eight general elections between 1978 and 2004 all resulted in 32 members.
A shoot-out with police ensues, resulting in the death of a policeman and two members of Moonlite's gang.
Still, sweeps of suspected Baathists in recent weeks have resulted in several hundred members being detained.