Just two weeks ago, an appearance by one of the company's tweezers on "Oprah" resulted in 2,500 phone calls in two days.
In the UK between 2003 and 2004, there were 5,868 dog attacks on humans, resulting in 5,770 working days lost in sick leave.
Considered a success, this campaign resulted in nearly 55,000 downloads in 16 days.
His first arrest came for a sit-in at a local draft board, resulting in 10 days in jail.
The police charged her with a violation, a step below a misdemeanor that can result in up to 15 days in jail.
Developing the algorithm allowed the manufacturing process to be automated, which resulted in fabrication of the metamaterial in nine days.
This resulted in many days of fighting between the two sides that ultimately ended in a stalemate.
The Commission agreed on Council's common position on national emission ceilings, which result in 25 days as an attainable target.
More than 1,000 casualties resulted in six days of heavy fighting.
Various statistics demonstrate that a severe fracture may result in as many as 26 or 27 days in a hospital bed.