This refresh resulted in a number of the idents being dropped and a new style for continuity adopted.
Astley built a reputation as a 'metaphoric' writer, resulting in a style that alienated some readers and critics.
Carter became a key member of Wallace's staff, resulting in "a new, fiery, hard-hitting style of campaigning".
This resulted in a new style, Constructivism.
He combines deep, powerful ground strokes with a street-fighter attitude that result in a relentless, heroic style of play.
A number of actions need to be taken to use a typical large format camera, resulting in a slower, often more contemplative, photographic style.
These changes resulted in a new writing style.
He filled Cowden Castle with many unrelated objects, which resulted in a very eclectic style.
Such a concentrated effort resulted in a distinctive local style of lantern clock.
Recent technological advances have resulted in a fast paced style of living.