Finally in 101 their number was increased once more to ten, resulting in a force of 5,000 troops, whose status was at least elite.
This has resulted in a force which is qualitatively above the national average in the level of education, technical proficiency, political reliability and ideological conviction.
This resulted in a force of approximately 5 g on landing.
It resulted in a barely changed military force and a budget about 85 percent of the average cold war level.
All these factors, along with the comparatively mature age of the soldiers - 61.5% were over thirty - resulted in a powerful and committed force.
Napoleon had sent orders for a major concentration of forces, which resulted in a force of some 25,000 men being assembled in this sector.
This results in a reactionary force upward on the slab.
Too much control over the military could result in a force too weak to defend the nation, resulting in failure on the battlefield.
A re-evaluation would probably result in a smaller force, saving as much as $5 million a year, the report concluded.
Sundberg reached base when he laid down a sacrifice bunt that resulted in a force out at third.