The need for the operation resulted from an incident that has been highly publicized.
One charge resulted from an incident in which Federal undercover agents said they videotaped the Mayor as he smoked crack.
McEnroe, whose two-month suspension that resulted from an incident at the Open ended this week, was also pleased with the way he played.
According to interviews with eyewitnesses and people involved in the attack, the beating resulted from an incident outside a Santa Fe bar.
Nuclear incident insurance covers damages resulting from an incident involving radioactive materials and is generally arranged at the national level.
But they said this probably resulted from an incident, apparently a blunder, that exposed the investigation's cover, rather than a tip-off.
The c-leaners' job is to remove any sign of what happened and any biohazards that result from such an incident.
The total size of the claims resulting from such an incident might well be enormous, even though the computer program itself may have only cost a few hundred pounds.
At least one man, Acting Carpenter Ohlsen, died from exposure resulting from such an incident.
It was restructured after a law suit resulting from an incident involving the death of a local women due to negligence of alcohol consumption.