The results exclude frequent-rental program members who bypassed the rental counter.
The results exclude Volvo, which Ford bought earlier this year.
The 1997 results exclude the consolidation of an affiliate.
These results excluded the effects of a one-time accounting change that gave the company a net loss for the year.
The 1988 results excludes sales from 1,000 convenience stores and the business units being divested.
The results excluded the scores of special education and limited English students, officials said.
The results exclude Thomson's newspapers, most of which have been sold, yielding $2.5 billion; the company is now primarily an information vendor.
However, this result does not exclude the possibility of practical schemes in the bounded- or noisy-quantum-storage model (see above).
The results exclude the seats from overseas territories.
The results exclude the six seats won at national level and those from overseas territories.