The results announced yesterday concerned only the first year of a two-year trial.
Final results were announced on the 21st, a day before the new parliament is scheduled to meet for the very first time.
The semi-finals takes place over three weeks, with the results announced the following Tuesday.
The results announced tonight were 1,530 for union representation to 1,486 opposed.
The acts are performing every Friday night with the results announced on the same day.
It is difficult to say how many children will be returned to regular classrooms as a result of the plan announced today.
For any other company, the results announced yesterday would be impressive.
But the results of a study announced at the conference were bad news for television advertising.
The results announced today were roughly in line with what analysts had been expecting.
The positive results announced today - out of approximately 400 tests completed so far - might be only the first for these games.