But less sensational provisions of the Markey bill also deserve attention, especially the proposed restrictions on stock offerings known as "blank checks" and "blind pools."
Land subject to these conditions was said to be "in tail" or in tail, with the restrictions themselves known as entailments.
As such, their ownership is hidden from view until the restrictions on sales, known as lock-up periods, typically lasting six months, are lifted; then the shares are distributed and available for sale.
Once it has expired, foreigners are subject to the restrictions of the US permanent residence regulations, otherwise known as the green card.
And, within restrictions known only to himself, he took care of his followers.
In a legal loan, each of these obligations and restrictions is enforced by contract, which can also place the borrower under additional restrictions known as loan covenants.
The restrictions, known as "closure," tightly proscribe Palestinian movement outside self-rule areas.
Fares Continue to Climb The restrictions on the lowest discount fares - known as "Maxsavers" - are a case in point.
Night flying restrictions, commonly known as curfews, are common at airports in Europe.
Such restrictions, often known as "gag clauses," have generated a political uproar in the last year.