It was adopted by Renaissance extremists who considered that writing in Latin could only be correct within this restricted vocabulary.
For example, whole word recognition techniques are only effective for domains with restricted vocabularies.
This group work, created in 1987, makes use of many of the same stylistic devices as "Preludes," with a similarly restricted vocabulary.
The book is a children's story in the "Beginners Books" series, written using a restricted vocabulary of simple words for a readership age of six.
Hence the definitions aim to be very clear and precise, perhaps produced using a restricted defining vocabulary.
Pidgins are significantly simplified languages with only rudimentary grammar and a restricted vocabulary.
The same parameters apply as for Special English - slow speed, short sentences and restricted vocabulary.
A restricted vocabulary, and above all, a proper syntax, could thus be expected to improve recognition accuracy substantially.
Children and overseas students should be able to learn new words without constant assistance or confinement to a restricted vocabulary.
I tried to infer this by their less restricted vocabulary and general acceptance of their historical origins.