It has a restricted meaning, but I think the people spread it out a little when they choose.
Naumann used Geophysik with a more restricted meaning.
Not all of the studies undertaken by the School need be confined to research in its restricted meaning of "search for abstract principles."
It is also referred to as a central metabolite, which has an even more restricted meaning (present in any autonomously growing cell or organism).
He notes that the word translated as resist, anthistemi has a far more restricted meaning in the original Greek.
The context indicated a more restricted meaning for 'elected'.
"Nationalism" in this restricted meaning refers to a political tradition that favours an independent, united Ireland achieved by non-violent means.
Caldwell does not apply because "maliciously" is a term of art with "a special restricted meaning".
Note that the direction a piacere (see above) has a more restricted meaning, generally referring to only the first two types of discretion.
Their name, ahmen, already occurs in the earliest colonial dictionaries, yet only with the restricted meaning of 'craftsman'.