Although the crown initially restricted licenses to Spanish merchants, it eventually opened up the slave trade to foreigners as demand outstripped supply.
Driving Close to Home Officials in a few states are already experimenting with restricted licenses.
In addition, Nevada has about 3000 locations with restricted licenses (15 slot machines or less).
Suspension of license on conviction of certain reckless offenses; restricted licenses.
To receive the restricted license though, these drivers will be required to meet certain criteria, such as the installation of an IID in their vehicles.
The restricted license was partly to deter businesses from using it for free, and most of the community was only expecting 20 or 25.
After at least 6 months have passed, they take a road test in order to receive their restricted license.
To obtain a restricted license, the driver must be the minimum age for testing and have had his or her permit for the required duration.
Retail software is computer software sold to end consumers, usually under restricted licenses.
Why not just mail out a restricted license to anyone who has satisfied state-mandated requirements on private instruction?