Democrats want to restrict total spending, which would make it harder to unseat incumbents.
There is a concern not merely to restrict local spending but also to reduce, where possible, the functions of local authorities.
A month ago, he and Democratic Party officials traded proposals and counterproposals on restricting spending on the campaign for nonpartisan elections.
These limits have existed since 1978, when Californians approved Proposition 13, placing a ceiling on property taxes and restricting spending.
Some lawmakers also believed that Congress might be asked to restrict military spending, and they did not want their hands tied by an earlier vote on a more symbolic resolution.
The measure would restrict total spending and individual campaign contributions solely for candidates who accept public financing.
Under the state's series of laws restricting local spending, first imposed in 1976, garbage costs were exempt from the 5 percent ceiling, but no longer.
These, and the Australian experience, have highlighted the need to complement disclosure laws with laws restricting spending on election campaigns.
They contend the limits would restrict spending and discourage Republicans, who are in the minority in the Senate, from seeking seats.
Rather than futilely trying to legally restrict special-interest spending, replacing such financing with a source of "clean" public money offers a more promising approach.