The new policies may enhance CUNY's reputation in some circles, but they will restrict opportunities.
Because the government restricts educational opportunities for them, many pursue fundamental Islamic studies as their only educational option.
In many organizations, members tend to focus their activities inside their own groups, which stifles creativity and restricts opportunities.
But the owner has vigorously opposed the designation, which would severely restrict opportunities for altering the structure, and the application is in limbo.
Critics have also charged that some countries have restricted opportunities to share the A(H5N1) avian influenza viruses isolated from human cases.
They restrict opportunities for choice, experiment and innovation, which are as much needed in education as in any other field.
It also restricts opportunities for pupils' own interesting mathematical questions like:
Rigid gender roles can be damaging to women and men alike, restricting opportunities and promoting gender-based prejudice.
The current deflationary policy in Europe restricts opportunities for small companies.
There were worries, too, that it would restrict other opportunities and lead to typecasting.