The companies also agreed to restrict marketing, to finance anti-smoking campaigns and to pay fines if smoking among youths did not fall below certain levels.
For instance, it restricts the advertising and marketing of cigarettes, but not that of cigars or pipe tobacco.
He said, "Environmental tobacco smoke has nothing to do with whether the F.D.A. has the authority to restrict the sale or marketing of cigarettes to kids."
Sets out a new table of Annex XVII dangerous substances, mixtures and articles that restricts manufacturing, marketing and use.
His company and Mr. Clark's Herbal Partners, among others, say they have policies restricting e-mail marketing to people who request it.
ConAgra Foods and Mars said they were focusing on developing healthier foods rather than restricting marketing or rating their products.
Law that restricts the advertising and marketing of alcoholic drinks which sets limits on advertising of alcohol as part of the fight against drunkenness.
It would restrict advertising and marketing, ban vending machine sales and require that tobacco manufacturers, as a group, pay $150 million annually for antismoking advertising.
That proposal would severely restrict the advertising and marketing of tobacco products and would ban some forms of distribution.
The groups argue that many of the bills would unfairly restrict e-mail marketing and put electronic commerce at a disadvantage.