While the FOIA supports disclosure of federal agency records, the law recognizes the legitimate need to restrict disclosure of some information.
The industry has maintained that information developed as part of the research is proprietary and that disclosure violates the 1998 law, which restricts disclosure of methods used to break copy-protection systems.
Additionally, the Privacy Rule restricts the use and disclosure of nonpublic personal information you obtain from a nonaffiliated financial institution, as discussed below.
However, I also am subject to section 7216 of the Internal Revenue Code, which restricts the use and disclosure of my customers' federal tax return information.
Introduction Who can make an application to restrict disclosure?
The section does not restrict disclosure to prior patents.
In some contexts, this can be used simply to restrict disclosure on a need-to-know basis.
In addition to the Federal laws that restrict disclosure of information from student records, most states also have privacy protection laws that reinforce FERPA.
According to the rules, the secrecy order "restricts disclosure or publication of the invention in any form."
The signing of a confidentiality agreement imposes a significant moral and to some extent legal hurdle on potential purchasers and should therefore effectively restrict disclosure to genuinely interested parties.