Fox has been restraining costs in a different way.
Continued growth in productivity has helped restrain costs, it continued.
But federal officials have said they will seek ways to restrain costs and to prevent excessive or inappropriate use of drugs.
He said the report had some good ideas such as restraining costs imposed on small businesses by the need to help government immigration controls.
"And we have done a great job in restraining costs."
But since those states are already chopping away at health-care inflation, the Clinton plan may not offer them as much help in restraining costs.
Some states are experimenting, trying to restrain costs without diluting the quality of service.
New York hopes to restrain costs by encouraging regular teachers to assume more responsibility for instructing these pupils.
Because workers' compensation insurance pays all the bills, doctors and patients have little incentive to restrain costs.
But the doctors said they were willing to consider other ways of restraining costs.