As originally commissioned, "Reflecting Absence" came within an estimated $500 million budget, of which a majority would go to restore utilities, roadways, mechanical areas and other underground infrastructure.
The Backup and Restore utilities supplied with previous versions of MS-DOS never won Microsoft any bouquets.
Significant amounts of building materials, manpower and engineers would also be required after the liberation of Paris (to restore basic utilities and transportation systems), all of which where desperately needed for the war effort.
And now," he added, "in the villages around Travnik where we are struggling to rebuild and resettle Catholic families, the authorities have refused to lay down electric lines or restore utilities.
Civil affairs specialists will help restore basic public utilities like water, power and heating fuel.
Colonel Miskina serves in the 308th Civil Affairs Brigade, which coordinates between the Army and Iraqi municipal and civilian organizations restoring education, health care, utilities and food distribution.
The Government of Antigua and Barbuda dispatched teams to re-open roads, clean up debris, and restore utilities.
By January 2006, the widespread damages and difficulties in restoring basic utilities and city services still prevented the official reopening of the Lower 9th Ward to residents who wished to return to live.
American military officials insist that the capital is safer than it was a month ago and that progress has been made in restoring essential utilities like electricity and water.
Eight months ago, an unusually charismatic British general arrived in this city vowing to open the roads, restore basic utilities and bring at least a semblance of normal life back to Sarajevo.