In devaluing the peseta and the escudo, European officials hope to restore some stability to their monetary system, which has never quite recovered from the upheavals of September.
For that and for restoring a modicum of hope to Colombia's battered judicial system, Mr. de Greiff was chosen by the country's main newspapers, magazines and television stations as 1992's Man of the Year.
Kennedy explained, "I will then begin to reach out to the people of the Fourth District in order to hear directly from them about the challenges they are facing and their ideas on how we can restore fairness to our system.
It is time to restore responsibility and accountability to our financial system.
The press release quoted Perry as saying the "future of the nation" is at risk, but that he's "convinced that the burgeoning grass-roots energy and widespread concern can restore balance to our system and invigorate our nation in the decades to come.
It follows that cleaning up MPs' expenses, while an essential start, is not of itself going to restore credibility to our political system.
It is time to restore responsibility and accountability to our financial system and provide Americans with the confidence that there is a system in place that works for and protects them - not just the banks and other financial institutions.
It's a sensible position and one that I hope will be embraced by liberals and conservatives alike - once some balance has been restored to our political system through the ouster of the right-wing zealots who currently control it.
The hope is that the baboon cells, which are resistant to H.I.V.-1, the main AIDS virus, will help restore function to his immune system, which had been severely weakened by AIDS.
The Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act restores accountability to our legal system by reinstating mandatory sanctions for attorneys who file meritless suits.