While anti-inflammatory drugs relieve pain by reducing inflammation, these supplements are thought to restore worn-down connective tissue (cartilage) that cushions bones.
These are added to dehydrated and emaciated bodies to help restore tissue to a more natural and hydrated appearance.
Successful treatment may not restore normal vision, but rather improve sight somewhat and prevent central vision loss from becoming worse.While laser procedures can destroy the abnormal blood vessels, they also damage neighboring retinal tissue.
In Ironjoy's shop, Phaethon might have been able to buy a self-consideration circuit to enable himself to program his sleep-and-dream cycles to repair, annex, balance, and regenerate the tired nerve paths in his artificial brain tissue in the same way that natural dreaming restored natural tissue.
Perhaps, he suggested, medical science will one day have fabulous machines able to restore frozen tissue a molecule at a time.
Her own special recipe, she said, guaranteed to circulate blood through abused muscles and restore tissue to normal.
Its research aims to restore and regenerate damaged tissue and organs by injecting or implanting cells to allow the human body to heal and recover.