While the BCA has now been signed into law, it's just one step on the road to restoring fiscal solvency for our country.
Rather, council members expressed interest in three different approaches to restoring financial solvency and improving money's worth return.
A group of four Republican representatives have meanwhile offered a proposal that would, in effect, abandon efforts to restore solvency in order to resuscitate those doomed, unwanted, unwise private accounts.
The chief actuaries at the Congressional Budget Office and the Social Security Administration each concluded that the plan would restore solvency well beyond 75 years.
He said his first priorities would be to work to elect Republicans to local offices this year and to restore solvency to the state organization.
She also allocated the $9 million needed to restore solvency to the Fire Fighters' Pension Fund.
Our plan includes reforms designed to restore long-term solvency to the system and leave room to begin a shift toward a savings-based approach.
Abbot Henry resigned in 1350 and in 1351 Edward III appointed Shareshill and William Banaster as custodians to restore solvency.
Mr. Berlusconi denied the charge, saying his goal was to restore confidence and solvency to the Italian economy and to free the country from "a left-wing menace."
The first is that an incomplete rollback of the Bush tax cuts won't be enough to restore long-run solvency.