Store remodels, product mix changes and used video games combined to restore the chain's finances.
The governor said Thursday that by bringing together parties with claims on the budget he was gradually restoring the state's finances after three years of crisis.
These moves were effective in restoring the company's finances.
Orr did eventually restore his finances, thanks to endorsement contracts and public relations work.
Corveser seems to have restored the abbey's finances and reputation.
I coupled it with mine and transferred ten thousand new credits, gladly restoring my finances.
Stanley's responsibility was to restore its finances.
Mucianus started off Vespasian's rule with tax reform that was to restore the empire's finances.
What they did do, unwitting as they may have been, was allow time for the English to restore their finances.
The former sociologist made restoring the country's public finances, under strain as a result of the 2008 global financial crisis, her government's main priority.