At the same time, he endorsed the bold package of programs drafted by his Treasury secretary to restore American credit and establish a monetary system.
The deal "should help restore credit," he said, and is a tremendous vote of confidence in the country.
Among the latter is a nearly hourlong documentary that, among other things, restores credit for most of the original story to an animator and idea man named Joe Grant, who began developing the outline in the late 1930's.
The discoveries here summarized have restored considerable credit to those chapters of Genesis that record the early traditions of the Jews.
The settlement restores credit for 83 days of "good behavior time" toward possible early parole that was taken from Mr. Plumley as part of his punishment.
He told Campbell-Bannerman that "to restore credit and to lower taxes is the first great remedy for unemployment and the first great mission of the Liberal government".
He restored public credit in a nation bankrupted by war debt, devised the first tax, budget and accounting systems, installed the customs service and Coast Guard, and conceived the first central bank.
This programme, which aims to restore credit, growth and employment, should give us the time needed to stabilise the markets and, above all, to restore confidence in the global economy.
Nonetheless, he bargained away the city's chance to become the capital in exchange for critical Southern support for his controversial plan to restore public credit.
With considerable skill and some luck, Walpole acted quickly to restore public credit and confidence, and led the country out of the crisis.