Ed Zotti described him in The Wall Street Journal as "the restless genius of American etymology."
Barratong combined his restless genius with a diffidence more proper to a shy young apprentice.
He next went to Elis with his wife, and heard Pyrrho, whose tenets he adopted, so far at least as his restless genius and satirical scepticism permitted him to follow any master.
For those rare and restless geniuses like Picasso, whose experimentation and shifts in approach could be stopped only by death, we reserve a special status.
Inevitably, visits with her children exhausted her utterly, especially Yuji, her restless genius of a son whom she had sworn to protect from her secret life.
A work of restless genius, full of compelling, surprising and insanely catchy arrangements.
When I joined him at the Henry Street Playhouse, those many years ago, I was a swinging 22-year-old hotshot who couldn't stand still and he a sage, restless genius of 38.
Kurzweil has been described as a "restless genius" by The Wall Street Journal and "the ultimate thinking machine" by Forbes.
Once again, Phaethon, a restless genius who finds the utopian society known as the Golden Oecumene stultifying, is having memory problems.
A big, thorough exhibition, maybe a little too big and glossy, of one of the great photographers in American history, a restless, benign, flawed genius.